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Announcing the 2021 SALON TODAY 200 Honorees


It goes without saying, 2020 will go down in history as one of the most interesting years, to say the least.

Because of the onslaught of the pandemic, many beauty hair salons of Aventura closed, usually more than once, owners had no choice but to apply for emergency funding, while enforcing the standards for social distancing and safety.

The Changing Room Salon knew how vital it was to adjust the priorities of its current business competition which not only displays its successful growth strategies of 2019, but for survival strategies of 2020 as well.

Beauty hair salon services of Aventura have to be willing to do whatever it takes to reacclimate during these times of pandemonium.

This year’s SALON TODAY 200 is dedicated to the heroes of beauty hair salons of Aventura, as well as the other leaders in this industry.

The leaders who were open to this change helped support their team members even when they had to lay them off so they could seek unemployment, and created all kinds of methods for delivering advice and products to clients who were staying at home, while their hair was unruly.

It also emphasizes the good that came from 2020—how beauty hair salon owners of Aventura grew closer with their team members, and the bonds that were created between clients. At this rate, beauty hair salon services of Aventura will be coveted even more so than before.

It’s an indicator of the perseverance and dedication, the creativity, ingenuity and the courage and the resiliency that North American salons, spas and barbershops showcased last year.

SALON TODAY’s landmark salon business competition had also changed this year. Temporarily abandoning its lazer focus on growth, and instead wanting to celebrate the successes of 2019 and the tales of leadership and heroism for 2020.

The Changing Room Salon COVID Guidelines

The Changing Room Salon is closely following the local guidelines to make sure you are safe and healthy. Some changes might only be temporary, others may be permanent, but their dedication to providing extraordinary guest experience will never cease to exist.

Beauty hair salon services of Aventura will be totally revamped for the betterment of patrons and workers.

  • Guests can only come in with an appointment.

  • Only guests who have scheduled appointments will be permitted to enter the salon. NO additional family members or friends will be allowed.

  • If you show up more than 5 minutes late for an appointment, they cannot provide service due to the high demands.

  • The waiting area is closed. You need to wait outside or in your car until its your turn.

  • Guests will be welcomed at the entrance.

  • Upon arrival, guests will need to answer a questionnaire for screening purposes and have your temperature taken with a non-contact thermometer.

  • If your temperature is above 99 degrees, you won’t be allowed to enter.

  • They require all guests to wear a protective face covering or mask at ALL times.

  • Guests are expected to wash their hands or use sanitizer once they use the facilities of aventura beauty salon services

  • All personal belongings must remain on your lap during the entirety of the aventura beauty salon services.

  • Maintain 6ft social distancing with the exception of you and your hairdresser.

  • You have the option to pre-book appointments.

Steps the Changing Room is Taking To Offer Aventura Beauty Salon Services:

  • Employees will have their temperature taken before starting any work.

  • Modifications have been made to the space to prioritize social distancing.

  • All employees are required to wear a protective face mask at all times.

  • They have temporarily suspended the station for clients, all beverages, cookies, magazines, and testers.

  • All highly touched surfaces are going to be sanitized often.

  • Hands will be washed in between service

  • Our team has been Barbicide certified.

  • Stylists will sanitize their equipment

  • Clean capes will be provided for each guest.

More Information About The Changing Room Salon

  • The Changing Room is adamant that all of its stylists continue their education in order to meet the demands with newer trends.

  • They will confirm your appointment and make sure the day is going smoothly for your service provider so that you don’t experience unnecessary wait times.

  • Having plenty of stylist stations means a stylist will always be available to assist you.

  • Complimentary Wi-Fi.

  • For the first time that you visit their salon, you will be enrolled in the Style Rewards Program where you can gather points every time you complete a service and buy products. These points can be redeemed for services at a later time.

  • Their monthly specials are sent by Email for discounts on a variety of services and retail hair care products that are only for their existing clients.

  • Parking isn’t an issue.

  • You can purchase E-Gift cards for anyone for anywhere in the world.

Looking Ahead

Hair salons and barbers are recovering at a steady rate. Their efforts, as previously mentioned, are not going unnoticed. You can still resume your normal activities while making safety a priority, simultaneously.

When COVID hit, it caused many of these businesses to reassess what was working and what wasn’t working as well. In business, whenever you encounter lower profit margins, you have to make a decision of how your business will move past this roadblock.

The Changing Room Salon clearly states this: ““Before reopening we analyzed each area of the company, determining what was profitable and what was not. Due to low profit margins, a steady decline of sales and the need for social distancing, we decided to eliminate our nail and spa services. We reopened as The Changing Room 3.0 with clearly defined expectations, better accountability, improved systems, and higher standards all around.”

COVID is not the end all, be all for many of these sectors of business. With the right strategies in place, there are foolproof ways to remedy these sorrows for you, your colleagues, and most importantly, your consumers.

If more businesses comply with these rules and regulations, we will begin to turn a corner in the foreseeable future.


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